About Us
UNIPHOS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (Formerly UNIPHOS AGRO INDUSTRIES LIMITED) is a EXPORT HOUSE recognized and accredited by Government of India, sourcing the product according to the specific requirement of the buyer. <div><br></div><div>Since past one decade, Uniphos International Limited, are actively involved in export of various chemicals, engineering, agro and other non-chemical products worldwide, procured from our group companies or associate companies or from other reputed manufacturers from India and from third countries as well.</div><div><br>Mr. Pradeep S. Gandhe is Head - Business of Uniphos International Limited, Mumbai, India</div>
Year Established
24 July 1992
Business Type
Trader Exporter
Turn over
US$ 1 to 10 Million
Export Country
Ghana, Latin America, Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, UK,